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Sekhmet Holistic Wellness

Sekhmet’s Elderberry Syrup

Sekhmet’s Elderberry Syrup

Regular price $14.00
Regular price Sale price $14.00
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Ingredients: Dried elderberries, honey, ginger and cinnamon. 

Dosage is 1Tbsp for adults & 1tsp for kiddos.

Elderberries has heart health benefits, antioxidants, vitamin C, lowers inflammation, boosts immune system, good for respiratory and lung health.

Disclaimer: While our team consists of an Holistic Health & Wellness Coach (in training), She and employees of Sekhmet Holistic Wellness LLC are not medical professionals, nutritionists, or dietitians. Content on this website is for your own personal use of your own personal choice. The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your health care provider if you are pregnant or experiencing any symptoms before using these products and begin a new health regimen. Always do your own investigation about the services and products provided.  

Lastly, any application of the materials purchased is at the user's discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.


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